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The CEO’s Guide to Business Suits

The CEO’s Guide to Business Suits

Heading over for the crucial quarter-end meeting? Or is it a not-so-formal poolside plan meeting to discuss the next strategy of the company? Your start-up is blooming, and you are on your way to impress the next potential angel investor who might fuel your company’s growth. Whatever it is, dressing for the occasion, and by that we mean, dressing well for that occasion, is more essential than you could imagine. When it comes to business, this quote can simply not be more true – First impression is the lasting impression.

Now, when it comes to dressing well in the business and the corporate world, who better than a CEO? This is what Mr. Q, our guest CEO has to say when it comes to business suits.

1. Dress at a Level That is Same Or Above

You should dress a little above your clients and subordinates. When you have a meeting with senior executives or board members, dress at a level that is similar to theirs.

2. Which Industry Do You Belong to?

Your attire should have a different flavour if you are an investment banker, and a different flavour altogether if you work for a start-up. Being dressed up in a bright-coloured suit jacket wouldn’t look good in a strictly formal meeting.

3. Business and Business Casual: What’s the Difference?

‘Business’ demands dark suit jackets with white or light-coloured dress shirts, conservative tie and leather shoes. ‘Business Casual’ demands a jacket like a sports coat or a blazer. You can skip the tie.

For the best bet, don both the tie and the jacket, and when you reach the venue, you can remove either of them according to the atmosphere of the setting.

4. Pay Attention to Foreign Customs

If your meeting would be taking place in a foreign country, take into account their customs and quirks. Do they wear the jacket or not? Do they prefer the bow or the tie? Putting just a little bit of an effort can go a long way in gelling up well, and in turn benefitting your business.

6. Choose Your Fabric Wisely


If you’re traveling for business purposes, you wouldn’t want your suit to wrinkle easily. Opt for a wool base fabric for your business suit or you can even go for sweater and slacks if it’s appropriate for the occasion.

6. Own a Stack of Shirts in Your Quiver

Always keep a stash of shirts in different light shades. White, light blue, light peach, cream, and so on. Shirts are the perfect weapons to your rescue that you should always keep in your quiver.

7. It Matters How You ‘Tie’ That Tie

Clean Windsor and Double Windsor are the best ways to knot your tie when it comes to a business occasion or meeting. The four-in-hand knot is just too simple for these kinds of occasions, hence avoid it.

8. Wear Tux in Formal Events

If you are invited at Black tie events regularly then it’s a good idea to invest in a custom-tailored tux. Complete the whole look with a vest or a cummerbund and a bowtie or a cravat.

9. What Should Match What?

  • Socks – if you prefer old school look then socks should either match your shoe or should be of a shade darker than that of your suit, so that they don’t grab the attention when you’re sitting. But the new Modern look is to wear Happy socks and flaunt them! Get your tailored trousers to be a slim-tapered fit and slightly on the shorter side on the length. Match your socks with your ties or even shirt colours.
  • Belts and Shoes – The colour of your belt should match the colour of your shoes. The buckle’s metal should not be that showy and should ideally match with the metal of your ring or that of your watch.

10. Add a Watch and a Briefcase to the Assembly

These two components are not necessary but adding them up to your whole attire gives that extra pizzazz. Buy a good quality leather belt watch, with the belt’s colour matching that of your shoes or your belt, the same goes with the colour of your briefcase.

Your briefcase also needs a regular polish like your shoes do.

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