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Winter is the time to wear suits with little more heft and a lot more character. Much of the character of stylish winter business suits comes from the fabric itself.
In previous blog https://bentexsuits.com.au/blog/2014-06-24-BUSINESS-SUITS-FOR-WINTER—PART-1 we spoke about factors to consider when buying a winter business suit and this blog is about winter suit fabrics.Tweed –
As days get shorter and darker the best fabric to wear would be tweed. Tweed is a coarse woven cloth made from pure virgin wool. Most popular Tweed colors are earthy tones, which work perfectly with colder weather.

  • Prince Of Wales – Price of Wales is a check pattern named after Prince of Wales Sir Edward VIII as he favored this pattern for his bespoke suits. Checked tailoring is huge of winter business suits as it has a classic charm with an urban feel.
    Chalk Stripe –
    Another popular fabric for winter is chalk stripe. Chalk stripes are fussy stripes unlike pin stripes, which are more defined. Chalk stripes are created with series of threads, which resembles a stripe drawn with tailors chalk.
    Herringbone –
    Herringbone is a weave, which resembles stacked V or bone structure of fish. The weave of herringbone in done in such a way that in process it creates a thick fabric which is why it also very popular for winter suiting and outerwear.
    The fabric rules will also apply for winter wedding suits. Tweed, Prince of Wales and herringbone fabric will make an excellent choice for business suits and wedding suits alike in winter season.